Meet the leader in aeration technology. Aerator Solutions is a top provider of aerators and mixers for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment operations. Known the world over for our EcoJet High-Speed Aerator and EcoJet High-Speed DDM Mixer, the history of effective technology begins with the aerator design.

The original aerator, which is now known as the EcoJet aerator, was developed and introduced in 1963. Throughout the past fifty years, many competitors have copied our technology, but have never duplicated or surpassed its effective productivity.

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  • Báo giá thiết bị lẻ: 091.579.4560
  • Tư vấn kỹ thuật công nghệ và báo giá dự án: 0972.799.995
  • Hỗ trợ bảo hành: 091.789.2997
  • Chăm sóc khách hàng: 0918.289.890
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